KL5LM corded cap lamp is a conventional lamp with conventional charger method - Single charger.
In this year, a customer request BRANDO to do a update version on KL5LM cap lamp - Added a USB charger on battery pack.
BRANDO Designed a insert magnetic metal plate inside the charging connector of USB cable. Just put the magnetic connector near the charging interface of the lamp, the USB cable will exactly and firmly connect with charging interface. What a casual and time-saving widget.
Charging indicator on battery pack.
when the lamps are under charging,charger indicated light is RED COLOR,when the charger indicated light turned GREEN COLOR,it mean that charger have finished to charging.
Attention of charging with USB Charger
1. Clean device before charging.
2. Place the supplied USB connector magnetic adaptor on the top of the battery enclosure as shown.
3. Insert the other end of the USB connector into a USB power source.
4. Charging will take approximately 6 hours, except when the battery is completely discharged in which it will take approximately 12 hours.